Sunday, December 28, 2008

Herbs and Chilli Plants

I cleaned the house today, to ready it for the new year. And while I was at it I planted our chilli and herb presents. So hopefully they will bear a crop.

We took Bette to Stansted yesterday for her return flight to Prestwick. It was very adventurous of her to come down to visit us. Stansted is fairly daunting as an airport and it was lucky we were able to help her negotiate her way out of it! After having her brandy confiscated on the way down (and being totally unimpressed!), she was then frisked on the way back home and she swore at security staff, telling them it was 'bloody ridiculous'. Fantastic. Love that attitude.

I'm almost finished the front of my chunky green jumper. Once I've finished that I'll finish the thumb on my mitten. Then continue with JJ's jumper. I have a few projects on the go again so it shouldn't take too much effort to finish them all.

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