I absolutely loved reading when I was a kid, and particularly read Enid Blyton books, especially the Five Find-Outers (and Dog), the Famous Five, and the Malory Towers books. I re-read all of the Find-Outers books a couple of years ago and was transported back to my childhood when I had all the time in the world to read and dream and read some more (and play).
I've also re-read a couple of the Famous Five books and a Malory Towers book recently hoping to recapture that wondrous escape into adventure but felt mildly irritated by the sexism in the Famous Five (a result of its time, I know) and the xenophobia displayed by Darrell Rivers and her equally righteous friends in the Malory Towers series.
Anyway, what they all have in common, as Jane has demonstrated, is the authors' understanding of treats and baking in children's literature. It is so comforting to read about picnics and treats and cafes. All things I still get excited about today.
I've had the loveliest day, with Hagos and Meg and a proper Haggarty Saturday.
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