Hagos is currently stuck in Warsaw waiting for a flight home, before heading to Glastonbury for his gig tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing him on Monday.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
"Do you like my blanket?"
said Bev, as she rummaged in her bag before pulling out this!
We were both soon in hysterics because this one tiny square is the result of weeks of crochet advice and telephone consultations. And she was rightly very proud of her one round of crochet. I then did the next round for her and talked her through the pattern, and she did the third round herself, stabbing the crochet hook through the holes and going on about how relaxing crochet was. I told her she looked like she was wrestling a crocodile to the ground. The outcome, however, was this magnificent square:
She's an actress so she finds it easy to pull the right faces. I then quickly ran to John Lewis for a peek and was over-excited to see they had a sale on! I didn't have much time before I had to get my bus home so, inspired by Bev, I bought four balls of wool and a crochet hook with the intention of doing some crochet myself.
I got the wool and hook for £8 and the magazine for free so I was very happy as I looked at my shopping bag on the way home on the bus.
Hagos is currently stuck in Warsaw waiting for a flight home, before heading to Glastonbury for his gig tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing him on Monday.
Hagos is currently stuck in Warsaw waiting for a flight home, before heading to Glastonbury for his gig tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing him on Monday.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Weekend
I finished Paradise today. I really enjoyed huge chunks of this book. I was particularly hooked for the last third and I was moved to tears by the letter Hannah's brother had left for her in the fridge after he'd been in to tidy up her flat and replenish the food when she returned home after a bout of drunkenness/illness. He had copied her key without her knowing because he expected he would need the key to let himself into her flat when she finally killed herself through drink. It was very understated in the way it portrayed the effect one family member's lifestyle has on the rest of the family. It made me think of the responsibility we all have to our family members in subtle ways and how people strike a balance between individuality and group responsibility. I remember talking to a probation officer friend of mine years ago, and she said the difference between non-criminals and criminals was that criminals had nothing much to lose, that's how they could commit crimes. Most people feel a social responsibility and have an investment in their relationships.
However, I was really quite puzzled and disappointed by the very ending of the book. I think the sudden lurch into surreality was to portray the descent of her mind but it became very surreal very quickly and in the end I wasn't quite sure what was happening. I know she was probably an unreliable narrator anyway, but... Maybe I need to re-read it to understand.
What can I read now?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Lake District Jumper
Monday, June 09, 2008
Brunettes have more fun
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Cats for Happiness
I'm feeling very down today, for various reasons I won't go into. Part of it is a feeling of hopelessness at being stuck in Norfolk. And feeling I haven't achieved enough since I've been here. I know these feelings will pass and I'll get a plan together and feel positive again. And I know it doesn't help to dwell on failures. Most of the time I'm happy and grateful for the good things in my life.
Meg has just made me laugh. She's sleeping on my desk as I write this. Earlier I was watching the Borg vs McEnroe 1980 Men's Singles Wimbledon Final for something I'm working on, and the DVD cover is also on my desk. Meg lay down and the DVD cover was in her way, so, looking very uncomfortable, she put her paw on the DVD case and then rested her head on her paw. After a few minutes she moved, and I thought it was because the DVD case was in her way, so I helpfully shifted it for her, but she kept her paw on the case and flexed her claws, as if she was trying to hold onto it. Anyway, she just made me laugh because she's so contrary. And happily beautiful.
Monday, June 02, 2008
I love all my gadgets: my laptop, digital camera, phone, sewing machine, my (unused as yet but it's on my list of things to do) iPod. Great fun.
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