Thursday, April 19, 2007


My husband rejoined his tour on Tuesday, flying to Copenhagen from Stansted this time. He flies back into Norwich tomorrow and I'll pick him up after I finish work.

On Monday I bought these lovely trims from a sewing shop near where I work. Of course, Meg had to get in on the act:
Immediately after I took this shot she jumped on the trims. Then we had a few seconds of battle with me trying to scoop them back into the bag and her trying to play with them. It often happens while I'm knitting that she'll be sleeping beside me on the couch, then I'll notice that she's watching my wool dangling out of the corner of her eye. I have to stop until she falls asleep again. If I don't I suddenly get pounced on and the jumper gets chewed.

Last night she was very clingy with me, so I took her up to bed with me and she slept sweetly beside me until half three in the morning. Then she started jumping on the furniture, so I put her out onto the landing and shut the bedroom door. She left me alone till I got up for work.

I took this photo while we drove into town the other night. I often wish I was living in the mountains of Scotland but occasionally I appreciate the flatness of the Norfolk countryside, and feel a fondness for it:

1 comment:

HildeS/Frøken Fryd said...

Hello Polly.
I like your cat,he look nice.
Have a wonderful weekend:)