Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tapestry Design (by ME)

This is a drawing of a design I want to make using the Tapestry wool my secret santa gave me for Christmas (aka Vicky). I'm not so good at drawing, so the sleeves are disproportionate to the body.

The 'cross' parts of the design will be in moss stitch (possibly double moss stitch), the 'line' part will be rib (giving the Empire Line effect) and the 'plain' part will be stitch stitch. The bottom of the jumper will probably come down to the top of my thighs.

I don't want to start knitting it straight away as I want to finish my beady socks and my Alpaca socks first, but I'll probably begin it after that and have it for next winter.

As Vicky bought me two different colours of Tapestry I thought I'd choose the redder wool as the main colour and use the one ball of greener wool for the rib.

I also thought about designing something using different yarns and think Jen's design on her xtreme knitting blog looks gorgeous.

I'm also intending to buy a sewing machine imminently and want to make myself some summer skirts, pyjamas, bags etc. It's my Christmas present from my husband but with Christmas visiting and flu getting in the way we haven't had time to go shopping.

I also have to say CONGRATULATIONS to Vicky for finishing her hat. I helped her with the cast on and with the flaps but she did the rest herself. I wish I'd taken my camera into work yesterday to photograph the finished item but I didn't believe we'd get it finished (it took very little time). Will try to get a snap of her next week. She was really pleased as she has huge enthusiasm for starting projects but also the need to see results quickly so the hat was an ideal size of project (Big Wool, 15mm needles) and this has really encouraged her to carry on.

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